Understanding Credit Worthiness
After gathering all your information from your personal credit file. A credit specialist identifies charge offs which are regular credit lines such as department store cards, auto loans, mortgages, and credit cards. Collection accounts whether paid or not, is considered very negative by all credit grantors. Plus, bankruptcies, judgments, liens, divorce, satisfied judgments, and satisfied liens.
I notice, every time a potential credit grantor looks at your credit worthiness it draws them to 2 key elements that will dictate whether they will approve you or not. FICO scores are the credit scores most lenders use to determine your credit risk and the interest rate you will be charged.
What is Credit?
Credit is borrowed money that you can use to purchase goods and services when you need them. You get credit from a credit grantor, whom you agree to pay back the amount you spent, plus applicable finance charges, at an agreed-upon time.
Negative Items
Charge Offs
Late payments
Medical Bills

We completely restore your credit back to perfection. Nothing will pop back up unless you add a new collection, charge off, or judgement to your credit report. Advice is given in the beginning, middle, and end of the credit restoration process. Fast Track Management recommend you to pay ALL bills on time, have a paid monitoring service, and to let us know about ALL unpaid accounts that could possibly pop up.