Dispute & Investigation Process
Once we have your Credit Report we begin the dispute process by gathering all of your negative information. Place it in a Personalized Dispute Letter, get it notarized cause it turns into an affidavit which is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court. We also send it off Certified Mail to the three major credit bureaus EXPERIAN, TRANSUNION, & EQUIFAX. Once they receive it after 10 days the investigation process begin.
After 30 days they mail you a copy of your credit report with the updates. Fast Track receive the updates and make the appropriate steps to insure the removal of items off your credit report.

Anthony Jackson
Working with Fast Track gave me the ability to get approve for my dream truck after 90 days of complete Credit Restoration. In the begin my credit was 547 now I have a 728.

Derrick Williams
This is the best company I have been to so far as for credit goes I would recommend anyone to go through Fast Track. They got mostly all negative Items off my Credit Report